Editing Services

Our Package Deals

Proofreading Package

A Word Edit


Our proofreading package is designed to help polish your manuscript. It is an edit at the word level. It is also a final review of your work that checks for:

  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Consistency
  • Typos
  • Usage

If you are already happy with your work and simply looking to polish it, this is the package you are looking for. We offer a free, no-obligation evaluation of a sample of your work to see if this is right for you. This service is perfect for Bible studies, small devotionals, website content, articles, blogs, and books that are well written.

Greatest Value

Content Editing Package

A Paragraph And Concept Edit


Our content editing package is an edit on the paragraph level. Because of the depth of this edit, we do two reads of the manuscript. This ensures that your thoughts and ideas are presented clearly and concisely. This package includes:

  • All Proofreading And Copy Editing Services
  • Style
  • Organization
  • Timelines
  • Character And Plot Development (fiction)
  • Research And Fact Checking
  • Phrasing And Word Choice
  • Logic
  • A Full Second Edit Of Your Manuscript.

This package pops the hood and provides you with a complete analysis and edit of your content while also maintaining your voice throughout. This is perfect for longer works such as a collection of short stories, self-help books, novels, autobiographies, biographies, longer devotionals, and in-depth guides. We also offer a free, no-obligation evaluation of a sample of your work to see if this is right for you.

Copy Editing Package

A Sentence Edit


Our copy editing package is designed to go more in-depth with your work. It is an edit at the sentence level that seeks to keep your thoughts flowing smoothly.

  • All Proofreading Services
  • Clarity
  • Flow
  • Redundancies
  • Point Of View (fictional works)
  • Audience Address (non-fictional works)

This service does more than just polish your work. Here, we delve into your sentence structure, making sure that your thoughts are not lost. This service is perfect for longer works such as a collection of short stories, self-help books, novels, autobiographies, biographies, longer devotionals, and in-depth guides. We also offer a free, no-obligation evaluation of a sample of your work to see if this is right for you.

Comprehensive Editing Package

A Big Picture Edit


For those texts that require a high amount of reworking, we offer a total overhaul of the manuscript that considers the entire picture of what you are trying to convey. God may have given you a vision of something to share with the world, but He may not have given you the ability to write it down. Your manuscript might need a much more comprehensive editing style which we can do for you.

This package includes everything in the Content Editing package plus a restructure and re-writing, where necessary, to spotlight your message, give your writing a more “professional, experienced” feel to the reader, and polish your work. We provide a maximum of three drafts of edits for your approval so that the outcome is what you imagined when you started on your writing journey. This package includes:

  • All Proofreading, Copy Editing, and Content Editing Services
  • Rewriting Where Necessary
  • Up To Three Drafts Of Edits For The Whole Manuscript
  • A Complete Analysis Of Your Writing Style And Content.

This package provides a total overhaul of your work. We offer a free, no-obligation evaluation of a sample of your work to see if this is right for you. This package is perfect for beginner writers or works in their first draft.

Microsoft Word’s Track Changes

Microsoft Word’s Track Changes allows us to edit your manuscript quickly and efficiently. Track Changes allows you, the author, to see each edit that an editor makes to your manuscript. In addition, this feature also allows you the chance to accept or reject every change that is made.

Package Prices

*There is a $40 minimum charge for websites, tracts, sermons, and brochures.
*There is a $100 minimum charge for book manuscripts.

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